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What She Did In Her Room When No One Was Listening
by Monique Rardin Richardson
The squeal pierced my teenage ears
from the secondhand amp in my tiny bedroom
holding the duct-taped cord and mic,
I was Ann Wilson in an arena,
bathed by a sea of faces
Bright lights cascaded down on me,
my hair shimmered as if weaved in glitter,
the ground rumbled from boisterous feet
and I sang—to him
The boy, with shoulder-length locks,
an awkward smile, and legs the length of my body
hidden under bell bottom jeans
I belted out my love and desire,
for his leather covered arms to be wrapped around me
God, I wish I knew his touch
His steel-toed boots made him appear unbreakable.
but on the inside, he was a sentimental poet
I sang to the sea green eyes that pierced my soul
I sang to—my Magic Man
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